Lily Allen was actually offered a role on ‘Game of Thrones’ to star alongside her brother Alfie, who plays Theon Greyjoy. Thankfully she turned it down…
So you remember that scene in Game of Thrones season two when Theon arrives back on the Iron Islands and runs into a girl who is willing to give him a ride to the castle so he can reunited with his father Balon Greyjoy?
Theon gets a little familiar with her and then tells her she can tell her grandchildren about the night she got to sleep with the future king of the Iron Islands. Only problem is the girl giving him the lift back to the castle so he can meet his father is actually his sister Yara, and once that fact is revealed, the previous few minutes they spent together on a horse was just that much more disturbing.
Well, leave it to the makers behind ‘Game of Thrones’ to take this scene one step further because while incest is implied as brother rubs sister in a totally inappropriate way on the show, as it turns out they actually wanted to commit the actual act with real siblings!
Lily Allen — pop singer extraordinaire — happens to be the real life sister to actor Alfie Allen, who portrays Theon on the popular HBO series. The producers behind the show offered her a cameo on the series to star alongside her brother, and yes, you guessed which role she was supposed to play.
“I’ve been asked to do a Game of Thrones cameo, they asked me if I’d be interested in playing Theon’s sister, and I felt uncomfortable because I would have had to go on a horse and he would have touched me up and shit,” Allen revealed in a Reddit AMA recently. “Once they told me what was entailed, I said no thanks.”
While the scene on the show was gross enough once we realized who the players involved actually were, the fact that they wanted to use real siblings ups the ‘ewwww’ factor to a whole other level. As perturbed as she may have been with the role offered to play on ‘Game of Thrones’, Allen isn’t totally against appearing in the series, but she’s like to use her musical talents instead of starring alongside her brother.
“I would be open to doing a musical cameo like Sigur Ros, though,” Allen said.
One more time — ewwwwww!