Cutting spending sounds great in political advertising hungry shark evolution cheat and campaign rallies; however, the laid-off teachers, 40 student classrooms, eliminated social program for inter-city kids, decreased funding for clean energy, cuts to Senior’s Social Security, and higher unemployment tell a little xbox live code generator different story.
Is there overspending in areas? roblox robux cheat Absolutely. Should some areas such as defense spending by dramatically decreased? Without a doubt. However, to promise across the board spending cuts while keeping lower tax rates for the billionaires in the nation is not only unwise for the health and growth xbox live code free of the society, it is deeply and profoundly a moral crisis. It will define marvel contest of champions cheats free if we are a nation that really cares about our citizen’s education, health care, and development, or if we are a nation that wants to be a “Wild-West” xbox live code free Capitalistic system, where a few prosper and the majority live in poverty.
When you hear the hay day hack politicians talk about government spending needing to be cut, realize that they rarely state what needs to be cut. If they actually state what they would cut, they would lose their support. They try to vilify welfare recipients and talk about the Democratic Party throne rush online hack as the “food stamp party”. However, the reality is that tanki online hack these programs are minimal in the overall spending that would need to be cut to achieve their goals.
Before you go vote for the “cutting spending” agenda this year, remember who you are voting marvel contest of champions cheat against- the teachers, public workers, those soon retiring, children in high needs areas, Medicare recipients, and the middle and lower classes. In exchange you are supporting a small group of the wealthy and corporations to continue to earn record profits. Cutting spending boom beach cheats to keep low tax rates on the wealthy is a danger to the environment, school system, retirement insurance, health care, and overall quality of life. Above all, it is deeply and profoundly unjust. Next time you hear “cut spending”, realize
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