In the “Mayans M.C.” recap, EZ receives words of wisdom from a familiar face from the past and Isaac strikes back with fatal consequences…

By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
All bets are off in these final two episodes of “Mayans M.C.,” especially after the penultimate installment ended with a death that will undoubtedly reverberate through everything that happens in the series finale next week.
In the previous episode, Isaac Packer — the psychotic president of the Sons of Anarchy San Bernardino chapter — got information regarding the Mayans’ drug operation being run out of the Broken Saints compound. To exact his revenge against the rival club, Isaac led an attack that left several Broken Saints dead along with the Mayans’ cook while burning down every last supply provided to make the drugs that were being supplied up and down the California coast.
Meanwhile, the Mayans were covering their own tracks closer to home after Diaz, the president of the Oakland chapter, and his vice president were gunned down as a matter of revenge for murders they carried out during the club’s civil war. The murders were pinned on the Sons of Anarchy, which ended up with the Grim Bastards then siding with the Mayans while club founder Marcus Alvarez went nearly unhinged as he searched for answers about who killed his best friend.
Little did he know that Diaz’s death came at the hands of another Mayan.
Emily Galndo also had blood on her hands after silencing the mother of a boy who was accidentally killed after he made the ill fated mistake of trying to blackmail the wife of a powerful drug cartel. Of course, it was actually EZ Reyes who got called upon by his ex-girlfriend to help clean up the mess but then Emily ended up killing the mother when she finally realized there was no turning back for what had already been done.
Now Emily is back at home with her husband Miguel in what seems like a loveless marriage and she’s effectively stuck there with no escape in sight.
When things pick up this week, EZ deals with the fallout on the attack on the Broken Saints’ compound and he ends up running into a familiar face from “Sons of Anarchy” in a surprise appearance nobody saw coming while Isaac decides to strike another blow against the Mayans but it’s a different family member tragically cut down as a result.
With that said, let’s recap the latest episode of “Mayans M.C.” titled “I Must Go In Now For the Fog is Rising”…
Dance with the Devil
In the wake of the attack on the Broken Saints’ compound, Guero and Bottles return to the Mayans clubhouse to break the bad news to their president. EZ, who seems to be sleeping with one eye open these days while growing more and more distant from Sofia, jumps out of his bed when there’s a knock on his front door.
He opens it with a gun drawn and he finds a soot covered pair of Mayans waiting to tell him what happened.
When EZ arrives alone at the Broken Saints’ compound, he finds a building burnt to the ground and several dead bodies including Elio — the cartel cook who started working for the M.C. as they sought to take over the Fentanyl trade. EZ’s immediate concern is for the supplies they were using for manufacturing but the Broken Saints are far more traumatized by the loss of their sisters.
When club president Johnny Panic approaches, she tells EZ that it was the Sons of Anarchy who launched the attack, burning down the cook house and killing several members. In some way, Johnny feels like this was retribution for the deal she made in the first place.
“Made a deal with the devil, the devil came collecting.”
~ Johnny Panic
Another member is ready to put a bullet in EZ’s head as revenge but Johnny stops it from happening while putting the blame back on herself for inviting the wolves to eat at their dinner table. She also reminds her sisters that taking out the Mayans’ club president will rain an unholy hell down upon them and there will be no surviving that storm.
EZ rides off with no clue where he can go next — the deal the Mayans struck with the renegade special ops group was contingent on producing copious amounts of street level Fentanyl and that’s no longer possible. To make matters worse, the Sons of Anarchy somehow found out about the Mayans’ drug making operation, which means somebody is telling secrets again.
Of course we know that somebody is Letty, who ratted out the Mayans in order to save Hope, but that plan backfired after Hope ultimately committed suicide after she was saved from Isaac’s demented wrath.
As EZ rides along the road, he spots a coyote feasting on another animal and he quickly tries to swerve to avoid it but instead he rolls his bike and crashes on the hot, hard concrete below. EZ tries to get back to his feet, beat up and nearly broken from meeting the road at 50 miles-per-hour but thankfully a car approaches from a distance before stopping to check on him.
The person who finds EZ laying in the middle of the road is none other than Wendy Case — Jax Teller’s ex-wife and the mother to his sons, Abel and Thomas. Wendy was tasked with raising Jax’s sons far away from the outlaw life and he demanded that those children never idolize him the way he did his own father, which led him down the same path of death and destruction.
When “Sons of Anarchy” ended, Wendy left with Abel and Thomas along with Nero Padilla as they sought to escape the bloody trail left behind in Charming.
Now Wendy finds EZ laying on the ground, wiped out from a motorcycle accident and she decides to stop and help him because she knows deep down inside she wishes someone would have done the same for Jax if he ever crash landed in the same way.
“I would have wanted somebody to stop for him or for my sons.”
~ Wendy
Wendy tells EZ that her ex-husband was a member of a motorcycle club but she never mentions which one — smart move there all things considered — because she doesn’t know if they had beef with each other. EZ eventually gets back to his feet and Wendy helps put his bike back up right again but with no signal out in the middle of the desert, he doesn’t have much hope of getting rescued.
So Wendy offers him a ride to the nearest town where he can get some help.
Along the road, EZ laments the life he’s made for himself lately where he’s been purposefully separated from everyone who loves him. He’s put up walls that seem impossible to tear down and EZ is finally started to feel the effect from that loneliness and loss.
“I feel like there’s this snow between me and everyone else. Like a grey veil. I can see the world. I just can’t touch it.”
~ EZ Reyes
Wendy tells EZ that she’s reminded of Jax when looking at him because he suffered through the same struggles while he was serving as president of SAMCRO. In the end, Jax lost everything — his wife was murdered, his mother was dead by his own hands and the club he dedicated his life to issued an order to have him killed. Jax ultimately met Mr. Mayhem on his own accord as he drove head first into a speeding tractor trailor, reminiscent of the same kind of “accident” that took his own father’s life many years earlier.
While Jax died, he still led a life of rebellion and chaos and that bled on everything he touched, which was directly or indirectly how so many of his brothers died not to mention his wife being butchered by his own mother. It’s the kind of chaos that never really goes away despite Wendy’s best efforts to separate herself and her children from it all.
“Men get to be kids your whole lives. Just beating your chest and throwing tantrums, while us women have to clean up the messes. We don’t get to fuck up. Nine years later, I’m still cleaning up my ex’s mess.”
~ Wendy
When they finally arrive at a mechanic shop, EZ arranges to have his bike picked up so he can ride back home again but he thanks Wendy for stopping to help him. Wendy tells EZ that he needs to drop that veil and pull those he loves close to him because that’s the only way that fog will ever lift.
It’s a sweet moment and probably a cathartic one for Wendy, especially after she spent one last night with Jax before he ultimately took his own life but not before entrusting her with the safety and security of his sons. Now perhaps Wendy’s words of wisdom and the lessons she learned watching Jax spiral out of control might actually save EZ from following down that same deadly path.
Got You Where I Want You
At the Galindo home, Emily watches as Miguel plays with their son Cristobal as she continues to wonder what’s become of her life. When Luis arrives, she offers him a cup of coffee while also thanking him for helping to clean up the mess she made when she killed Marlon Buksar’s mother in a fit of rage.
To Luis, this is just what he does for the Galindo family but it’s what he says to Emily that sends a shiver down her spine.
“Anytime Mr. Galindo has ever had a problem, I’m always the one who makes it go away.”
~ Luis
In that moment, Emily remembers that Miguel hunted down and killed her sister, who was watching over Cristobal as she attempted to find a way to escape her husband forever. Emily may have bonded with Luis in recent weeks as he offered her a kindness that Miguel failed to do since she returned but now she realizes that the person responsible for murdering her sister is the same one sharing a cup of coffee next to her in the kitchen.
Later that day, Emily feverishly works with a security team putting cameras into the house while demanding a particular view from her doorway. It’s hard to imagine that Emily isn’t orchestrating some kind of move that will finally allow her to escape Miguel and all of his goons while simultaneously providing herself with an alibi thanks to the video footage that will be available to authorities.
Meanwhile, Miguel is working towards his own escape but he’s trying to get out from under the thumb of Lincoln Potter, who has had his hands in the Galindo family pocket for more than a decade. Potter warned Miguel under no uncertain terms that he already took everything away from him once before and he’ll do it again if the cartel king dares cross him.
Rather than continuing to suffer under Potter’s demands, Miguel opts for a chance to free himself from those obligations once and for all. He meets with Patricia Devlin, the investigator from the inspector general’s office, who previously offered him a deal to turn on Potter.
Now Miguel is ready to deal with her under the condition that he’ll receive complete immunity rather than an eventual sentence behind bars for the various crimes he carried out while effectively working for the American government. Patricia scoffs at the suggestion that he would just walk away but Miguel promises that once she gets a taste of the evidence he can provide, Lincoln Potter’s house of cards will come tumbling down in epic fashion.
He hands over a piece of paper to Patricia as a small token of appreciation while telling her that any further evidence along with his testimony will require a deal in writing that guarantees immunity for him and his wife Emily.
Patricia look at the paper and decides to check on the information, which takes her to a farmer’s market in Oceanside where she’s trying to decide on the right kind of fruits and vegetables when she encounters a lovely woman willing to offer her advice. A moment later, Patricia mentions to the woman that she speaks incredible English for someone who has only been in the country for a short time.
The woman looks confused but then Patricia reveals that she knows everything about her — including the fact that she was a key witness in a triple homicide in Mexico but after giving her testimony, she just disappeared. Before Patricia can utter another word, Lincoln Potter arrives and he’s stunned to see her there talking to the woman he loves while he stands next to their son.
Potter erupts and tells Patricia that she’s crossed a line — this is now greater than personal to him — but his threats fall on deaf ears. Patricia knows that’s his wife and kid — an informant from a case that he was working that would unravel everything he’s ever touched. It’s the start of the evidence that Patricia plans to use to bring down Potter once and for all.
“The storm is coming, Potter. I’m here to put you in prison for the rest of your life. You think you’re untouchable? I got you, you motherfucker.”
~ Patricia Devlin
Later that night, Potter meets in a park with Kate (Kody) — the now former ATF agent, who went undercover to gain evidence against the Mayans but instead ended up falling in love with Creeper. Kate discovered that EZ Reyes was the rat working with the Federal government and she gave that information to Creeper, who was then murdered on the orders of his club president to cover up that secret.
Now Potter has reached out to her after doing some digging and discovering that Kate was working to bring down the Mayans until she got a little too close and ended up getting fired for her transgressions. Potter intimates to Kate that he can get her back on the government payroll if she’ll serve as his attack dog as he seeks to cover up his own crimes and misdemeanors, which are about to come crashing down around him.
Kate ultimately agrees to work with Potter but only under one condition.
“I want EZ Reyes to die.”
~ Kate
Potter agrees — and let’s not forget EZ had that same information on his wife and kid that he used to end their relationship as handler and informant. EZ also killed his own cousin Kevin Jimenez along with his boss, who were handling his case after he was released from prison and it was Potter who covered it all up for him.
Of course, Kate also knows that Potter is responsible for striking the deal that got EZ Reyes out of prison in the first place so there’s a whole lot of blood on his hands. It seems Potter is now ready to rectify the sins of his past by bringing down the Mayans, perhaps because he believes it’s EZ and his brother Angel who offered up the information to Patricia Devlin.
After their meeting a couple of weeks ago where levied heavy threats against him, Potter may not even suspect that it’s actually Miguel Galindo who turned on him.
It’s not clear how Potter plans on getting out of this mess he’s created but we know Kate desperately wants EZ dead for what he did to Creeper so she’s got plenty of motivation right now. By the time the series finale airs next week, EZ will have a whole lot of people gunning for him.
As for Patricia, she calls back to Miguel and confirms their deal is in place — he and Emily will receive full immunity for his testimony and the remainder of the evidence to bring Potter down once and for all.
A Father’s Love

Angel starts his day with his son Maverick after both wake up in the house he grew up as a boy. Felipe Reyes couldn’t be any happier than his son and grandson are there living with him, although Angel is still struggling to understand how Adelita could just abandon them.
He obviously has no idea that she was brutally murdered in Mexico so Angel is under the impression that Adelita just left again as she’s done before. Angel is also struggling with how he’s supposed to explain that to their son but Felipe tells him those words should never leave his lips.
“You tell him that his mother loved him more than anything in the entire world. A boy without a mother’s love turns hard. Don’t let that happen. Don’t let him become like us. Don’t let him be us.”
~ Felipe Reyes
Back in San Bernardino, Isaac Packer is distraught with grief but not over the shooting that took place at their clubhouse where several crow eaters were murdered and Hope escaped. Instead it turns out that Les Packer — Isaac’s brother and former Sons of Anarchy San Bernardino president (as played by Robert Patrick) — has finally succumbed to the cancer attacking his body.
It’s only due to his tremendous grief that Isaac hasn’t taken the time to question his vice president Terry surviving a supposed attack from the Mayans that freed Hope and left all of the crow eaters dead yet he only has a slug in his shoulder. One of the other members mentions that to Terry as the rest of the club is starting to realize that his story isn’t adding up, especially if the attack came from the Mayans.
There’s no way Terry would have been left alive.
When Isaac finally emerges from the backroom, he decides that the death of his brother should also cost the Mayans a brother as well.
So he leads the charge with the other members to Santo Padre where he breaks into Angel Reyes’ house, looking for the brother of the Mayans’ president but obviously he’s nowhere to be found.
The hunt then takes them to the home of Felipe Reyes, who has just put down his grandson Maverick for the night while he waits for Angel to return with dinner. When he hears a car pull up outside, Felipe assumes it’s Angel but a gunshot blows through his window and the former cartel enforcer quickly remembers the skills that kept him alive working in Mexico as he evades the attackers, retrieves his weapons hidden throughout the house and prepares to fire back.
Felipe ends up cutting down a couple of the Sons of Anarchy members who break into his house as Isaac taunts him while calling for Angel. It’s not a fair fight but Felipe still manages to even the score until he takes a bullet to his gut, which leads him to run towards Maverick’s room where he closes the door and locks it behind him.
Isaac continues to look for Angel even as his vice president Terry begs him to leave because now they’re attacking his father and a baby in the other room.
After taking Maverick from his crib, Felipe holds his grandson and promises him everything will be OK as the Sons arrive at the door and prepare kick it in. Felipe fires the last of his bullets at the closed door as he draws his last breath with Maverick still in his arms.
Back at the Mayans’ clubhouse, EZ returns home and decides to take Wendy’s advice as he apologizes to Sofia for keeping her at arm’s length these past few months as he attempted to win his war against the Sons of Anarchy while also trying to gain power for his club on the streets. EZ decided that he finally needs to drop his walls and let Sofia into his world.
“I’m sorry. I know I’ve been slipping away. But I’m here now. I love you, Sofía. I love you so fucking much it hurts. And everything’s crashing down around me. But that’s OK, because I have you.”
~ EZ Reyes
Sofia answers back that he has her forever as they share a passionate kiss before the clothes start coming off. Judging by what happens next, this might be the last moment of joy EZ feels for quite some time.
Angel Reyes is making his way home with the food he got for his family for dinner but as he arrives at his father’s house, he finds police and ambulances surrounding the home. Angel tears out of his truck to make a mad dash towards the front door while calling out for his son.
As the cops hold him back, one officer emerges from inside with baby Maverick in her arms — and Angel is finally released so he can embrace his son. Even Isaac Packer isn’t evil enough to kill a child because he left Maverick unharmed and he’s reunited with his father.
Sadly the same can’t be said for Felipe Reyes.
A moment after Angel hugs his son, medics exit the house with a body bag that we have to assume is Felipe Reyes inside. While there’s no official confirmation — it could technically be any of the Sons of Anarchy he cut down — it seems unlikely that Isaac would just leave his members laying dead on the floor, which would sent the cops to come look for the club for the home invasion.
Instead it seems rather obvious that Felipe Reyes didn’t survive and that is the revenge that Isaac will take on EZ and the Mayans.
Next week marks the series finale for “Mayans M.C.” as EZ Reyes, Angel Reyes and the rest of the members prepare for one last ride.