In the “Mayans M.C.” recap, EZ deals with the fallout from the shooting in the desert while attempting to forge ahead with the club as a war is looming on the horizon…
By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
It seemed inevitable ever since the end of “Mayans M.C.” season 2 that a war between the Mayans and the Sons of Anarchy was going to happen.
Back in that finale, a member of the Sons was killed during a raid on a rival club, which was just the first match being lit on a potential powder keg that could explode at any time. When “Sons of Anarchy” first began, the Mayans were the club’s biggest rivals and that continued throughout much of the series until eventually Jax Teller made peace with Marcus Alvarez and they became close friends prior to his death.
Now years later, Alvarez is leading the Mayans as the new president of the Santo Padre chapter but he’s been gone from this role for so long that he doesn’t have any idea what’s been happening behind the scenes. Most importantly he has no knowledge that the body of SAMCRO road captain Montez was left on the Santo Padre doorstep and that Taza hid the evidence by stuffing him in an oil drum and covering him with lye in an attempt to cover up the murder.
Now Montez’s body has been found and that can only spell trouble for the Mayans that they probably won’t even see coming.
With that said, let’s get to our full recap for the latest episode of “Mayans M.C.” titled “A Crow Flew By”….
A Walking Deadman

Picking up where we left off last week, Angel put a bullet into Randall — the accountant for Lobos New Generation cartel leader El Banquero — after finding him molesting the boy that came along with him on the trip. While EZ is stunned at his brother’s actions, Manny finishes the job after discovering that Randall was a pedophile and Noah wasn’t actually his son but rather a boy he had taken with him on this trip to serve as his permanent sex slave.
Knowing all of that, Manny tells his fellow Mayans to let the coyotes have Randall’s rotting corpse cause it’s all he deserves and they’ll return Noah to his parents.
Back at the clubhouse, Canche is irate because he made a promise to El Banquero that they would deliver his accountant back across the border to Mexico but instead he ended up dead. Angel admits he was the shooter and Manny tells his president that he finished the job but EZ ultimately takes responsibility as the senior officer leading the mission.
As much as Canche would love to have EZ’s blood on his hands, Alvarez shuts that down while telling his members that the crew did the right thing because they don’t do business with pedophiles.
After dropping the gavel to end the meeting, Alvarez holds back the rest of the Santo Padre chapter to pass along some news — Nestor, the former head of Miguel Galindo’s security has joined the Mayans as the club’s latest prospect. That doesn’t sit too well with the members who clashed with Galindo and his self-appointed hitman but Angel takes out his frustration by ordering the new prospect to get him a beer.
Meanwhlie, EZ is doing his best to ease tensions with Canche but the Yuma president isn’t interested in building bridges with his brother in arms. Considering EZ was the person who laid down the bomb that nearly killed Canche’s son, that’s an act that can never be forgiven.
“You’ll never be anything but a walking dead man to me.”
~ Canche
Canche also orders Manny to return to Yuma where he will serve his home chapter, which is also a command given to break up the new friendship his member is sharing with EZ. Manny says his goodbyes while joking about his first introduction to EZ when he got stabbed in the neck and tossed off the roof when the other Mayan chapters attempted to snuff out Santo Padre.
Much like the relationship with Canche, EZ isn’t having much better luck trying to patch things up with Bishop, who is continuing to go on a downward spiral after he was stripped of both his presidency and then vice presidency while watching the Santo Padre chapter forced to serve alongside Canche and the other Mayans who tried to kill them all just a few months earlier.
He’s found a distraction in the new bartender, who is the widow from a member of the Yuma chapter who died during the fighting. Bishop is drinking heavily and paying little respect to the authority at the head of the table.
When EZ attempts to explain to him why he took on the role of vice president and how that wasn’t meant as an offense to Bishop, the former Santo Padre leader mocks the gesture and tells him to shove it up his ass. That’s one strike too many because EZ blasts Bishop with a punch, knocking him to the ground before ordering the other Mayans to get their ex-president in line because he just disrespected the new vice president over the entire chapter.
Elsewhere in the clubhouse, Alvarez calls Coco in for a meeting to tell him he’s proud of his sobriety and the changes he’s made since the civil war with the Mayans. Alvarez then assigns Coco on a special job to head up to Oakland and join that charter for a while as he continues to rebuild the trust within the Mayans after the civil war nearly tore them all apart.
Alvarez promises that if Coco does a good job, he’ll get the bottom rocker added back to his kutte.
Of course, Coco’s distraction at the club causes him problems at home after he promised Hope that he would pick her up after work later that night because the store is in a bad neighborhood. When Hope walks outside, Coco is nowhere to be found and she’s left to fend for herself yet again.
As for EZ — he gets a private meeting with Alvarez, who explains to him why he got the nod as vice president. Alvarez sees EZ as the future of the Mayans but more importantly he believes one of the charter’s newest patched members also understands the bigger picture when it comes to the club and the future they need to share together to be successful.
Before EZ can go any further, however, Alvarez wants him to understand the history of the club he’s now helping to lead. So Alvarez hands over the Mayan rulebook he created years ago when he first started the M.C.
In those pages, Alvarez believes EZ will learn why the Mayans started in the first place and the direction the club needs to head moving forward. He also drops some words of wisdom that he once learned from his old friend Jax Teller.
“Like my friend Jax once said, ‘Forget the past and you’re doomed to repeat it.”
~ Marcus Alvarez
EZ starts reading through that book as he attempts to prove Alvarez’s trust in him with the new role he’s taking on as vice president over the Santo Padre chapter.
Wanted Man
This episode finally catches up with Miguel Galindo, who is now living off the grid while staying at a convent run by his aunt. These days, Miguel is far gone from the cartel leader who had it all — now he’s putting up rock walls and tending to a graveyard while avoiding his aunt’s questions about when he might actually pray and repent for his sins.
Miguel has managed to befriend a young boy named Tomas, who has also taken refuge at the convent, which we later learn because his father Martin has also crossed paths with Lobos New Generation — the cartel that has completely taken over since the Galindo’s were dismantled.
When a pair of trucks filled with gunmen show up at the convent, Miguel and Tomas hide in a nearby shed while his aunt deals with the men searching for Martin. Miguel’s aunt is able to de-escalate the situation but the men from the LNG aren’t going to go away that easy while promising to return because they are convinced the man they want is hiding inside that convent.
A Place in This World

As things continue to concern many of the members from the Santo Padre chapter about the tensions at home, some of the others are branching out to try and make some sense of life as it stands currently.
Creeper ends up going to lunch with the girl he met at Narcotics Anonymous as they share scars both real and emotional during their conversation. As for Gilly, he ends up visiting friends from the military who he hasn’t seen in many years since leaving the service.
The house is owned by Gilly’s fellow soldier Paul (played by CM Punk) as he and his wife — their commanding officer — are celebrating his son’s birthday. Gilly sees how his old friends have moved on with their lives after leaving military duty but he’s still struggling to find his true purpose.
He ends up speaking with his former commander, who asks him if the Mayans are giving him everything he needed after signing up to join the club. Gilly explains that it’s the closest thing he could find to the camaraderie he needed after leaving the military.
Still, Gilly is struggling and she wonders if he’s not dragging around ghosts from his pasts after some incident took place while they were all serving in Iraq. The conversation gets cut short after Paul ends up in an argument with another parent over how rough he was playing with the kids.
Gilly attempts to lower the temper at the birthday party while joking that Paul doesn’t want to get into a fight with a guy wearing Birkenstock sandals but words can only do so much. Paul ends up punching the other parent as it’s clear that all of them are dealing with some sort of PTSD from the shared experiences from serving overseas.
As for Bishop, he continues to roll downhill after a drinking contest with his new girl, who then brings over a bag of cocaine so they can bump rails together before having sex on the pool table in the middle of the clubhouse. Bishop is suffering in a bad way but it’s going to take something huge to pull him back from the ledge.

Killswitch Engage
After leaving the clubhouse, EZ is driving through Santo Padre when he goes past his father’s butcher shop and he learns that it’s out of business. EZ shut out his father after Felipe convinced his now ex-girlfriend Gaby to abandon the plans they had together so she could escape to a better life in northern California, far away from the blood and violence she lived through in Santo Padre.
EZ stops at the shop and walks inside but his father calls out from the back that he’ll be a minute. While waiting, EZ notices a postcard leaned on his father’s radio and he finds that it’s a letter from Gaby telling him that she got her internship but more importantly it proves that Felipe has still been in touch with the woman he loved.
When Felipe finally emerges from the back, he hears a motorcycle roaring away and Gaby’s postcard laying on the ground.
Later that night, Felipe ends up spending time with his other son after showing up at Angel’s house unexpectedly where the two of them share an awkward conversation before enjoying some cake made by Nails as she continues playing house while showing off her pregnant belly.
Angel has been apprehensive about getting too close to Nails, not only because of his past feelings for Adelita, but also because he’s convinced she’s probably better off because he’ll undoubtedly find a way to fuck this up. EZ tells him that Nails isn’t going anywhere and he needs to spend more time at home to show support for his growing family.
Down in Mexico, Canche meets with El Banquero, who is beyond irate about the news that Randall has been killed. Canche promises to do whatever it takes to make it up to him but El Banquero can only shoot a television to express his rage before the Mayans quietly back out of the door from the meeting.
It’s clear there’s gonna be a lot of blowback on the club for what happened, which is exactly what Canche suggested at the table after Angel pulled the trigger to kill Randall in the first place. Canche knows that single move could threaten the drug pipeline they’ve been running not to mention putting a death sentence on each and every Mayan serving the club currently.
Back at Alvarez’s home, he’s trying to watch a movie with his kids when his wife Diana reveals that she invited Bishop over for dinner next week. He’s none too happy but she reminds him that this is her house and she can invite whoever she wants — and Diana knows that Bishop is hurting really badly right now and he needs them.
A knock at the door stops that conversation as Alvarez greets EZ, who stopped by for a late night visit to talk to his president. EZ reveals to Alvarez that he read the Mayans rule book and he discovered something in there called the “killswitch clause,” which basically means a unanimous vote can be taken at any time to remove a president from power.
EZ believes that needs to be reinstituted because it could potentially stop another civil war from breaking out when powerful men like Bishop and Canche are butting heads. Next time that happens, EZ believes enacting the killswitch clause could vote one or both of them out of office before escalating tensions transform into dead Mayans.
EZ is doing his best to find solidarity with his brothers and they’ll all need it very soon for the battle that’s about to land on their front doors.
It seems Jess — the Mayans’ bartender who found Montez’s Sons of Anarchy kutte in that oil barrel — has agreed to spy on the club and feed information back to the San Bernardino vice president, who is just itching to start a war. While she’s uncomfortable with the position this puts her in, Jess calls the V.P. and reveals that she may have learned something that could help fuel his desire for vengeance.
That night, the San Bernardino V.P. meets with the president, who informs him that Chibs Telford — president of the Sons mother charter in Charming has given the go ahead for war with the Mayans. Montez is dead and his body was buried at a Mayan clubhouse and now they are looking for revenge and that’s going to cost a whole lot of blood.
For the first time in many years, the Sons of Anarchy and the Mayans are at odds and there’s no telling how many bodies will drop before this is all finished. A look ahead at future episodes also revealed that Tig (Kim Coates) — who is now the vice president in SAMCRO — will be returning for the first time since “Sons of Anarchy” ended as he shares a conversation with Alvarez about everything unfolding.
“Mayans M.C.” will return for a brand new episode next Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on FX