In the “Mayans M.C.” series finale recap, EZ leads a final assault on the Sons of Anarchy and there’s more than a few bodies that hit the floor when the last bullet or blade drops…

By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
It’s safe to say that “Mayans M.C.” — much like its predecessor in “Sons of Anarchy” — isn’t a morality tale meant to necessarily make anyone feel good or bad about the life of outlaw motorcycle clubs.
Much like the members that make up the ranks of those clubs, not everyone is good or bad even if they carry out horrific acts along the way. What’s made clear through both series is that these men are criminals — and sometimes the law enforcement agents seeking to topple them are just as crooked but that’s just how things seem to go when you live day-to-day just waiting for the next bullet to fly.
There were plenty of bullets flying in the final episode of this series, which proved that no one living this kind of life gets to walk away clean without blood on their hands — and a whole lot more blood on the floor.
The series finale of “Mayans M.C.” definitely had a lot of storylines to wrap up in the special two-hour episode but when it was all said and done, there were definitely more than a few shocking moments that should have effectively left everyone’s jaws on the floor.
The penultimate episode of “Mayans M.C.” ended with another stunning death as Isaac Packer decided to ratchet up his mission of vengeance by taking out the brother of the Santo Padre chapter president. But as much as Isaac wanted to gun down Angel Reyes, he ended up leading an assault that left Felipe Reyes dead.
It was the most egregious of acts — one that will certainly be met with harsh retribution.
Meanwhile, Patricia Devlin continued to build her case against Lincoln Potter, which she was warned could be met with more than a little resistance. Potter has proven to be an effective agent for the U.S. government even if his methods are less that scrupulous but Patricia believes he’s outlived his usefulness, especially with the vast number of laws he’s broken in recent years.
But if there’s one thing we’ve learned about these powerful agents of the government, they don’t go down without a fight and Potter won’t stop swinging until he just can’t swing anymore.
There’s a lot to dig into with this episode so without further ado, let’s recap the “Mayans M.C.” series finale titled “Slow to Bleed Fair Son”…
It Has to Be More

The series finale opens on a somber moment as EZ and Angel Reyes lay their father to peace after he was murdered in cold blood by the Sons of Anarchy. Felipe Reyes fought valiantly to protect his infant grandson and while Maverick survived, he’ll never know the true bravery of his grandfather as he drew his final breaths.
As the service comes to a close, the Reyes brothers are greeting those paying respects and Miguel Galindo appears before them. While Angel accepts a handshake and Miguel’s condolences, EZ has no such interest. He reminds Miguel that this service was for friends and family and he doesn’t qualify as either one.
Miguel agrees and prepares to leave just as Angel can’t help but notice the family photos that are clutched tight in his hands. Still Miguel refuses to make a scenes and just exits the funeral while parting ways with the only two brothers he would ever know.
Just as everyone else exits the church, EZ comes face-to-face with his past as Lincoln Potter makes an appearance to share his condolences while looking back on how he was the person most singularly responsible for giving Igancio Cortez a shot at a new life in the United States, far away from the blood and guts of working for the cartel in Mexico.
Potter tells EZ that what they are doing as cop and criminal really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things — they’ll both be forgotten — but perhaps that’s just how it should be. He then turns and walks away while EZ carries a familiar bewildered look on his face.
When EZ eventually arrives back at the clubhouse, Hank approaches and tells him he won’t believe who has arrived at the Mayan compound. As they walk through the door, EZ finds Terry — the vice president of the Sons of Anarchy San Bernardino chapter — awaiting him with a gun to his head.
EZ quickly asks why Terry is still alive but it turns out the Sons V.P. came with an offer — he wants to know what happened to Jess — the former Mayan barback turned traitor — and in exchange he will tell them exactly how Felipe Reyes ended up dead. It’s safe to say that information is all EZ needed to gather his troops to go after the Sons of Anarchy one last time.
On his way to address the rest of the Mayans, Hank turns to ask EZ about Taza being allowed to return to the Santo Padre chapter. EZ quickly brushes off the request — Taza wanted out so he’s out. EZ also addresses plans to find a new place to cook the Fentanyl so the deal stays in place with the rogue special ops soldiers and the pipeline running through the California prison system.
For now that all gets put on hold because today is the day that the war between the Mayans and the Sons of Anarchy comes to an end.
When EZ steps outside, he finds nothing but willing soldiers awaiting him — he sees Mayans, Grim Bastards and even members of Iron War and Storm 88 there gathered together. EZ then provides them with the motivation they need to end Isaac Packer’s reign while promising that any Son willing to lay down their kutte will survive but anyone else will die right alongside him.
EZ then promises a swift, stunning victory but it won’t come without bloodshed and he’s asking them all to bleed for him to end this war. He even quotes “Julius Caesar” in his speech to fire up the troops.
“If you ride out into hell with me today, I promise you peace tomorrow. If you help me annihilate our enemies today, I promise you laughter and an embrace from the brother next to you tonight. I promise you we will celebrate tonight but first let’s cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!”
~ EZ Reyes
The next stop is a concert where the Sons of Anarchy chapter are enjoying some loud, raucous music but a moment later, the doors get kicked opened and the Mayans start pouring through. Some members of the Sons are merely beaten, others shot and killed but EZ has only one objective and that’s putting an end to Isaac once and for all.
Sure enough as the Mayans gain the upper hand and it’s clear the Sons are falling to defeat, Isaac tries to make a run for it to escape but EZ catches up with him — and after a brief struggle, the San Bernardino president is tossed down a flight of stairs. EZ casually approaches him as Issac attempts to drag his bloody, busted legs away from the Mayan meaning to kill him but he can only get so far.
When EZ catches up, he steps down onto Isaac’s already mangled body and the psychotic former Meth Mountain guru is finally left to beg for his life.
“This can’t be it. It has to be more. Wait, wait, wait! I’m not ready for this to be over.”
~ Isaac Packer
Without a word in response, EZ shoots Isaac dead — and then stands over his fallen enemy before proceeding to urinate all over him. That’s the kind of exclamation point that EZ Reyes wanted for this war that was won by the Mayans.
All in the Family

That night, the Mayans celebrate the victory by tossing the Sons of Anarchy kuttes into a fire as they put this bloody chapter to bed.
It’s there that Bishop apologizes to Treenie for his behavior — using her for sex and then erupting in anger as if it’s her fault when he gets caught cheating on his actual girlfriend. Treenie accepts his apology but tells Bishop that she’s done with him because she’s finally realized just how toxic whatever relationship they shared has always been.
Meanwhile, Hank and Gilly approach Downer to take care of another loose end. It turns out Cielo — another of the Mayan clubhouse regulars — has suddenly been asking a lot of questions about what happened to Jess and why she suddenly stopped coming around. These are the kinds of questions that usually only receive one kind of answer and Hank and Gilly order Downer to deliver it — no matter how much he can’t stomach the idea of killing a woman.
EZ watches over his flock as the Mayans finally appear ready to move forward but little does he know that his own personal life is about to undergo a major change as well. Sofia, who has been exhibiting signs of pregnancy for several weeks, finally decides to take a test to see if she’s with child again.
Sure enough, Sofia gets the news that she’s pregnant with EZ’s baby.
While the Mayans are all enjoying the spoils of war, former president and club founder Marcus Alvarez is celebrating his own victory as his wife gives birth to another son. Marcus has been struggling to move on with his life after he was ousted from the Mayans but perhaps welcoming another child into the world will finally put things back in focus because this is what truly matters most.
Marcus eventually receives a visit from his old friend Bishop as they appear to bury the hatchet between them because family matters more than old grudges. When Marcus wonders if he made the correct decision to leave the Mayans behind and just focus on his family, Bishop responds by telling him at least one of them is doing the right thing.
Later that night after the Mayan party, Downer arrives at Cielo’s house to check on her and she quickly figures out that something doesn’t seem right with a visit by a club member, especially at this time. Cielo attempts to sneak away but Downer finally pulls her from the house and places her in his car — and she watches through the mirror as he checks to ensure that his gun is locked and loaded.
Cielo then notices her one chance, which is Downer’s knife that he foolishly left behind.
When he finally joins her in the van, Downer attempts to tell Cielo that she’s a good kid — but before he can say another word, she stabs him repeatedly in an act of self defense … or was it?
As Downer chokes on his own blood and gasps for one last breath of air, Cielo is horrified to see a one-way plane ticket and a wad of cash in his jacket that would have provided her with an escape rather than being murdered for asking too many questions. She cries out an apology as she clutches onto Downer but he’s already gone.
The next morning, EZ emerges from his trailer to get on his bike but not before Sofia joins him outside. She tells him that they need to talk later that night — it’s important and potentially life-changing. EZ reveals that he was invited to go on a ride with his brother Angel but he’ll cancel and stay behind if she prefers.
Sofia gives him a kiss and says that her news can wait — EZ should spend the day with his brother and she’ll be waiting for him when he returns home.
The Reyes brothers tear through down on their motorcycles before arriving at a secluded bridge that EZ considers his own personal refuge when he needs to do some deep thinking. Of course, Angel has to then tell him that this is the same place where he used to take girls because they found it romantic and he figured out it was a great place to get laid.
The brothers laugh together for the first time in forever but the smiles soon fade when Angel finally tells EZ why he asked to go on a ride today — Luisa (Adelita) is gone and her absence is the reason why he was at their father’s house. Angel knows that Isaac came looking for him but their father became collateral damage in the war with the Sons of Anarchy.
Angel isn’t blaming himself as much as realizing that now his son Maverick has no one left except him.
That’s why he’s telling EZ that he needs to leave the Mayans behind for good — he wants out of the club.
“I have to go, EZ. I don’t know. Just not here. Not dead. Not dead in a bar fight or an alley or some fucking wreck on the freeway. I have to live for him.”
~ Angel Reyes
As hard as it might be for EZ to accept, he understands that Angel needs this more than the club could possibly need him. Considering how violence robbed them of both their mother and father, how could EZ argue against Angel’s desire to be better for his son.
So EZ promises to bring it up to the table later that night when the Mayans convene for church.
Gone But Never Forgotten
The Galindo family has also endured more than a few ups and downs in recent months but Miguel is convinced that he’s finally starting to earn back Emily’s trust just as he’s about to strike a deal with Patricia Devlin that will bring down Lincoln Potter and get them all out from under the thumb of the American government.
Patricia is working around the clock to gather all of her evidence to bring down Potter even as her boss continues to warn her that men like that don’t just go away without a fight. In fact, Patricia’s boss reminds her about the ongoing street war between the Mayans and the Sons of Anarchy and it appears that Potter is getting close — and if he’s able to avert disaster between these two clubs that might just be the kind of leverage that makes him completely untouchable.
Despite all that, Patricia seems unconcerned — because she’s got the winning hand in this poker game thanks to Miguel Galindo’s planned testimony.
At the Galindo estate, the entire family is preparing for dinner and Miguel even asks that Emily wear her wedding ring — and she concedes but then she opens up another slot on her jewelry box where she finds a small photo of her sister. Emily has never forgotten that Miguel hunted her down and killed her sister in cold blood to get Cristobal back — and now it’s time to finally pay.
As they arrive back at the house, Miguel is preparing to take Cristobal to bed when Emily reminds him that they left his favorite stuffed toy Mr. Owl and their son can’t sleep without it. Miguel hands off Cristobal to Emily so she can put him to bed while he goes to find the irreplicable stuffed animal.
When Miguel gets to the car, he finds Mr. Owl completely stuffed under one of the seats — it’s almost as if somebody put it there on purpose. Still, Miguel doesn’t question it as he grabs the stuffed toy and heads back inside to his wife and son.
Inside, Emily asks Miguel’s right hand man Luis if he could do the carrying upstairs with Cristobal — but she requests that he also leave his gun and holster behind while holding onto her son. Luis agrees before removing his weapon and carrying Cristobal up the stairs.
As Miguel enters through the front door, he’s shocked to find Emily staring directly at him with a gun in her hand. Before he can plead his case, Emily has pumped several bullets into his chest. Then just as Luis arrives from running down the stairs, Emily approaches him, holds him tight and whispers into his ear.
“I know you killed my sister.”
~ Emily Galindo
With that, Emily fires a bullet that rips through Luis and leaves him dead on the floor. Emily then rushes oer and feigns concern for Miguel as she holds him close as he expires in her arms.
Later that night when authorities arrive, they look at security camera footage from inside the house and it appears the video backs up what Emily claims.
She says that Luis started to get too close to her and he eventually decided if he can’t have Emily, then no one can. Emily tells police that Luis shot and killed Miguel before turning the gun on himself.
And thanks to the carefully placed video cameras from a few weeks back, — Emily is vindicated by authorities because the footage backs up everything she’s said. As a result, Emily is finally free of Miguel Galindo and his tortured control over her.
Sadly, Miguel’s death also sends reverberations that eventually reach Patricia Devlin, who erupts in anger after learning that her key witness against Lincoln Potter is now dead.
At the same time that Miguel is being cut down by his own wife, Potter receives another present when Katie — the disgraced ATF agent who fell in love with Creeper and now works directly for him — takes him to an interrogation room where they find Cielo waiting to speak with them.
Cielo has quite a story to tell and it might be exactly what Potter needs to build a wall that will make him virtually untouchable by anyone — including rivals in the U.S. government.
All Empires Crumble

When EZ and Angel return to the clubhouse, it’s time for the Mayans to discuss what comes next after the war of the Sons of Anarchy but there are also other matters to discuss.
While no one knows why Downer is absence, EZ decides to move forward by calling order to the meeting as he prepares to hand the floor over to his brother with an important announcement. Angel addresses the table while telling them how much he loves the club but he never wants his son to grow up in the same shadow as his father.
In fact, Angel says he’s ready to go be a janitor if that’s what it means to raise his son far away from the Mayans and the outlaw life.
Before Angel can tell them that he’s officially out, Hank interrupts and proposes that it’s finally time to grow their charter, especially as it appears one of their brothers is leaving. He wants to put up Nestor to graduate prospect status and become a full-fledged, patched member of the Mayans.
The entire group agrees — Nestor has been nothing but a loyal soldier since he first arrived and how he deserves to wear the patch next to his brothers in the Mayans. Hank promises that Nestor will always put the club first and everyone votes to welcome him to the club.
Just as the celebration begins, Gilly grabs EZ from behind while the other members grab onto Angel as Bishop makes an announcement.
It turns out he received a brief visit earlier that day from Katie — the undercover ATF agent who was building a case against the Mayans but accidentally fell in love with Creeper before his untimely demise. Katie was the person responsible for uncovering that EZ was the rat working as an informant but the case was eventually covered up and he was allowed to remain a free man after being released from prison.
We don’t see exactly what Katie tells Bishop but we soon learn that it was everything.
“I have a message from Creeper.”
~ Kate
With EZ and Angel being restrained, Bishop finally reveals that the Santo Padre president is the rat — and he had Iron War and Storm 88 kill Creeper in prison to keep him quiet. To make matters worse, Angel knew his brother was an informant and still invited him to become a member of the Mayans.
EZ falls on his sword and effectively confesses to the group that he was the informant but he defends his brother by saying that Angel didn’t know.
Obviously, Bishop doesn’t believe him but he offers Angel a chance at reprieve when he hands him EZ’s knife and says that it’s time to prove that the club matters more than blood. If Angel wants to leave this room alive, he needs to kill his own brother.
Angel refuses as he breaks down in tears — he can’t fathom killing his brother but EZ pleads with him to do what needs to be done. EZ tells Angel that Maverick needs him whole — he’s the only family that little boy has left and that’s far more important than their familial bond.
With time growing short, Bishop chambers a round and puts the gun to Angel’s head to force him to make a decision. EZ has already resigned to his own death so he begs Angel to save himself and save Maverick — he tells his big brother to get out and never come back.
As tears pour down his face, Angel steps forward and stabs his brother with the knife as he collapses into his arms. Angel continues to sob at watching his brother die by his hands but Bishop’s not done quite yet.
“You ain’t the only one that reads Shakespeare motherfucker.”
~ Bishop
With that, Bishop stabs EZ and then the knife goes around the room with each member taking turns plunging the blade into their now former president to death one by one just like Julius Caesar. Even after being stabbed numerous times and now barely clinging to life, EZ still manages to crack a small smile — perhaps realizing that his death might actually save his family because Angel will actually build a life far away from the Mayans.
Then EZ Reyes expires.
The boy king is dead.
Outside, Sofia is patiently waiting for EZ to return so she can break the news to him that he’s going to be a father but instead, she finds Bottles at the door with a gun in hand. Before she can say a word, Bottles shoots Sofia and her unborn baby dead in the trailer.
Later that night, Letty arrives at the Mayan compound with a gun of her own in hand. She secured a black market weapon with the intension of wiping out as many Mayans as she could find wearing that patch because she indirectly blames them for what happened to her father Coco as well as what happened to her best friend Hope.
Letty believes it’s finally time for the Mayans to pay.
But before she can fire a single round, Letty finds a sad Sally wandering around the yard with blood on her paws. Letty tracks the paw prints back to the trailer where she finds Sofia dead.
Rather than lead a suicide assault on the clubhouse, Letty gathers up Sally and leaves before a single Mayan can spot her — and she takes a trip to the Broken Saints’ compound. Letty releases Sally out into the wilderness and she’s immediately playing with the other dogs on the property.
Letty then emerges from the car with her hands held high as she seeks to actually join the Broken Saints this time rather than being used as a pawn in Isaac Packer’s wild vendetta.
As for the Mayans, Bishop has been restored as club president as he resides over what’s left of their charter with EZ dead and Angel gone. There’s no speech this time around because Bishop simply lights up a cigarette and gives his own brand of marching orders to the table filled with Mayan outlaws.
“Now, back to business.”
~ Bishop
Outside as Bishop calls order to the Mayans’ meeting, a slew of Federal agents have descended upon the compound with guns drawn and spotlights shining down. They soon kick in the front door while calling out a warrant that has been issued — and in the distance stands Lincoln Potter and his new right hand Katie as they witness the downfall of the Mayans once and for all.
Seconds later, rapid fire gunshots pop off like firecrackers — and by all accounts, Bishop’s second reign as Santo Padre president was cut rather short. In fact, it would seem like the Federal agents just executed every single living member of the Santo Padre chapter of the Mayans M.C.
Potter can only gloat with Katie next to him because ultimately, he’s won again.
“The levy will hold for now”
~ Lincoln Potter
With this being the “Mayans M.C.” series finale, it’s hard to imagine that the writers and showrunner decided to leave the fate of the club as a mystery. Considering the amount of bullets that rattled off, it’s likely that no one wearing a Mayan patch lived to see the next day.
As for Angel Reyes, he wakes up at the beach with Maverick in his arms. His Mayans’ tattoo has been covered in black ink because he’s done with that life forever — all it cost him was his father and his brother who he loved so much.
All that matters now is raising Maverick far away from the blood and bullets surrounding the Mayans — and Angel will get that chance thanks to EZ’s sacrifice.