Look back on Game of Thrones season 6 through the grim reaper’s eye as we document every major death on the show through the past 10 episodes….
By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
Every Game of Thrones season produces a body count that it sometimes hard to fathom, but season six may have topped them all with a huge number of battles and shocking murders that cascaded over all 10 episodes.
By the time the Great Sept of Baelor was blown to hell in the finale, some of the people who passed in the first couple of episodes from this past season of Game of Thrones may have been forgotten.
This season was nothing if not a force of nature blasting through Westeros and the rest of the known world and there were a slew of dead bodies left in its wake.
So as we say goodbye to Game of Thrones season six, we look back on all the major deaths — categorized by each episodes with names permitting — that went down over the past season.
Without further ado, this is the Game of Thrones death list for season six … Valar Morghulis
A garrison of Bolton soldiers — slain by Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne and Theon Greyjoy north of Winterfell
Areo Hotah — bodyguard to Prince Doran Martell — killed by the Sand Snakes at the water gardens in Dorne
Prince Doran Martell — stabbed to death by Ellaria Sand in the water gardens in Dorne
Trystane Martell — stabbed to death by Obara Sand aboard his ship sailing towards King’s Landing
Roose Bolton — stabbed to death by his son Ramsay Bolton inside Winterfell
Walda Bolton — eaten alive by Ramsay Bolton’s hounds at Winterfell
Baby Bolton — Ramsay’s little brother eaten alive by the hounds at Winterfell
Flea Bottom Braggart — Common man mocking the queen has his head smashed into a wall by “The Mountain” Ser Gregor Clegane
Balon Greyjoy — tossed off a bridge and falling to his death courtesy of his brother Euron Greyjoy in the Iron Islands
Random Night’s Watch member — tossed and killed by Wun Win the giant at Castle Black
Ser Arthur Dayne — flashback scene to the Tower of Joy when he was stabbed by Howland Reed in Dorne
William Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull and Ser Mark Ryswell — soldiers fighting with Ned Stark, killing during the battle at the Tower of Joy.
Ser Oswell Whent and Gerold Hightower — Targaryen guards killed by the Stark men at the Tower of Joy in Dorne during the flashback scene.
Shaggy Dog — Rickon Stark’s direwolf — beheaded by the Umbers after capturing Rickon and Osha
Ser Alliser Thorne — hanged for treason by order of Lord Commander Jon Snow at Castle Black
Olly — hanged for treason by order of Lord Commander Jon Snow at Castle Black
Othell Yarwyck and Bowen Marsh — members of the Night’s Watch — hanged for treason by order of Lord Commander Jon Snow at Castle Black
Osha — wildling protector over Rickon Stark — stabbed to death by Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell
Aggo and another Dothraki warrior — killed by Daario Naharis at Vaes Dothrak, one by broken neck, the other by stab wound.
Khal Moro and the other Khals — burned alive by Daenerys Targaryen inside the temple at Vaes Dothrak.
The Three-Eyed Raven Brynden Rivers — killed by the Night King inside the cave of the Children of the Forest.
Leaf — one of the last known Children of the Forest — blown up in an attempt to slow down the Wights advancing on Bran Stark.
Children of the Forest — a few of the remaining creatures, killed by the White Walkers and the attack on the cave.
White Walker — stabbed with dragon glass by Meera Reed during her attempt to protect Bran Stark and the Three Eyed Raven.
Wights — dozens of the soldiers of the dead are killed and/or blown up during the attack on the tree-cave.
Summer — Bran’s direwolf — killed by the Wights and the White Walkers while protecting Bran.
Hodor — stabbed and torn apart by the Wights as they attacked the cave and he blocked the door to stop their advance to save Bran.
Wights — several members from the army of the dead are killed by Benjen Stark, who arrives to save his nephew Bran Stark
Brother Ray — septon friend of “The Hound” Sandor Clegane — hanged by raiders and former members of the Brotherhood without Banners.
Brother Ray’s congregation — slaughtered by the same raiders who came looking for food, gold and women.
Former members of the Brotherhood without Banners — killed by “The Hound” Sandor Clegane with an axe on his hunt for the men who slaughtered his congregation.
Three raiders and former members of the Brotherhood without Banners — hanged by “The Hound” along with Beric Dondarrion, who try and convict them for the murder of Brother Ray’s congregation.
“The Blackfish” Brynden Tully — killed in a sword fight at Riverrun to help Brienne and Podrick escape after Edmure Tully turns the castle over to the Lannisters.
Faith Militant member — head ripped off by “The Mountain” Gregor Clegane after they attempt to force Cersei to visit the Great Sept of Baelor.
Lady Crane — actress helping Arya Stark — killed by The Waif during an assassination attempt on Arya Stark.
The Waif — killed by Arya Stark with her sword Needle in Braavos.
Razdal mo Eraz — slave master from Yunkai — throat slit by Grey Worm in Meereen
Belicho Paenymion — slave master from Volantis — throat slit by Grey Worm in Meereen
Dozens of soldiers under the command of the slave masters — burned alive by Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons
Sons of the Harpy — slaughtered and killed by the Dothraki horde arriving in Meereen.
Rickon Stark — shot by an arrow from Ramsay Bolton — killed in a field outside Winterfell
Smalljon Umber — killed by Tormund Giantsbane during the battle
Thousands of Bolton and Stark soldiers — killed in the Battle of the Bastards
Wun-Wun the Giant — shot numerous times with arrows with the final shot coming from Ramsay Bolton’s bow in Winterfell
Ramsay Bolton — eaten alive by his own hounds inside the kennels at Winterfell
Grand Maester Pycelle — stabbed to death by Qyburn’s “little birds” inside the Red Keep at King’s Landing.
Lancel Lannister — stabbed and then burned alive by wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor inside King’s Landing
The High Sparrow — burned alive by wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor inside King’s Landing
Margaery Tyrell — burned alive by wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor inside King’s Landing
Loras Tyrell — burned alive by wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor inside King’s Landing
Mace Tyrell — burned alive by wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor inside King’s Landing
Kevan Lannister — Hand of the King and uncle to Jamie and Cersei Lannister — burned alive by wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor
The Faith Militant — followers of the High Sparrow also burned alive by the wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor.
The Gallery at the Trial — dozens of citizens of King’s Landing and followers of the High Sparrow burned alive by the wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor.
Six septons — priests judging Loras Tyrell at the trial — burned alive by the wildfire inside the Great Sept of Baelor
King Tommen Baratheon — commits suicide by jumping out a window after the Great Sept of Baelor is destroyed and his bride Margaery Tyrell was murdered.
Walder Frey — throat slit by Arya Stark inside his great hall at the Twins
Black Walder Rivers — Walder Frey’s bastard son — killed and baked into a pie by Arya Stark at the Twins
Lothar Frey — Walder Frey’s son — killed and baked into a pie by Arya Stark.
So there’s your full list of everybody lost during Game of Thrones season 6. The body count was high, but something tells me, the list will keep growing longer as we prepare for the final two seasons of the show kicking off in 2017.