Coming Soon Candy is back with three new movie trailers to check out including the latest from Michael Fassbender and a new horror movie from Slasher Films
By Trevor Dueck — Staff Writer
Follow on Twitter @TrevDueck
It is time for another edition of Coming Soon Candy. Its sweet ass trailers that get you a tad excited in your pants about cinema. Nerdal stimulation I call it.
Now that most of the Summer blockbusters have passed, it’s time to look forward to some films that have more substance. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a crazy mutant with adamantium claws, or robots fighting monsters. Put the kids to bed and check out these three beauty movies coming out in the next few months.
1. This first trailer is for a movie called The Secret Life of Walter Mitty starring Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley MacLaine, Patton Oswalt, Adam Scott, Kathryn Hahn, and Sean Penn. Not only did Stiller take on the leading role, he also directed the film. If you are not familiar with the story of the day dreamer that is Walter Mitty, I recommend giving the short story a read. For now you have this film to look forward to when it’s released on Christmas day. There really is nothing better than getting the family together on Christmas, and you rip through the presents, eat some turkey and then tell you family you are going out to see a Ben Stiller movie. Have a peek at the trailer and try to focus because the movie appears to be one big acid trip.
[youtube width=”560″ height=”315″ video_id=”kGWO2w0H2V8″]
2. Who doesn’t like Michael Fassbender? He will forever be an Inglorious Bastard. Not only does his latest film The Counselor look sick, it also has an all-star supporting cast of Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz to name a few. Oh, and they are working off of an original script by Cormac McCarthy, the award-winning storyteller responsible for No Country for Old Men and The Road…need I say more? Oh I nearly forgot, it’s also directed by some dude named Ridley Scott. Yeah this will get some Oscar nods because that is what happens to movies of this ilk. My expectations are high. The film will be released on October 25, 2013. Follow this hash tag on Twitter for more news – #HaveYouBeenBad. Haven’t we all?
[youtube width=”560″ height=”315″ video_id=”n4rTztvVx8E”]
3. This next trailer is a film called Nothing Left to Fear which I dedicate to Nerdcore Movement’s supreme chancellor Damon Martin. Everyone likes a good horror but what makes this flick so interesting is it is the first film from Slash’s new production company Slasher Films. Although the trailer is kind of creepy, something tells me the film itself will be pretty grotesque…just how I like it.
[youtube width=”560″ height=”315″ video_id=”jztGjNp7KOg”]
4. This week we have a bonus trailer. Yes it’s for another film that will be released on Christmas. So if Ben Stiller doesn’t do it for you, there is always Keanu Reeves to keep you warm by the fire. I will go see this movie, but the story kind of reminds me of another film he was in. Nonetheless I’m a sucker for samurai movies and I see potential in this one.
[youtube width=”560″ height=”315″ video_id=”47_-pqoPDVQ”]
That is it for this week’s Coming Soon Candy. It’s a weekly thing… so same time next Friday?