Don’t expect a lot, but an upcoming special from Marvel teases there will be sneak peek from Avengers 2: Age of Ultron on their new special airing on ABC…
The Marvel Universe is ever expanding and the next venture for the comic/media giant is to pat themselves on their collective backs for an hour or so on March 18 at pm when ‘Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe’ airs on ABC.
The special is supposed to delve into the entertainment empire that Marvel has built around movies and now television as well with shows like Agents of SHIELD that also airs on ABC.
The biggest teaser for the show (which probably won’t air until the final moments) but there will be something shown from The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Whether that ends up being a clip, a photo, or just Joss Whedon in his kitchen telling us about it, no one knows.
There will also be new footage shown from Agents of SHIELD, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy.
What we do know is something from The Avengers 2 is going to pop up on March 18 so tune in kids.