In the “Mayans M.C.” recap, EZ seeks out Angel for a mysterious mission, Adelita gets her marching orders and Emily realizes there are still dangers close to home…

By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
Following Tuesday’s episode of “Mayans M.C.” there are only four more remaining in the entire series and there’s no way everyone makes it out of this show alive.
After last week saw EZ nearly caught in his own web of lies after Creeper discovered that he was the rat inside the club, which forced him to attack his own brother to get him thrown into solitary confinement, the president of the Santo Padre chapter embarked on a potential peace treaty with the Sons of Anarchy.
A face-to-face meeting with psychopathic San Bernardino president Isaac Packer didn’t end with a truce but rather EZ fighting to the death with a member of the Sons — and this time the Mayans came out on top. In the aftermath of that fight, EZ returned victorious to the clubhouse where his brothers chanted his name while his girlfriend Sofia harbored a potentially explosive secret after Angel nearly confessed that he was the person responsible for burning down the warehouse filled with cartel heroin.
Many of the episodes this season have bounced back-and-forth between storylines and that’s exactly what happened again this week in a relatively quiet installment outside of EZ and Angel finally seeking closure for their mother’s murder, which led them to the doorstep of a legacy character from “Sons of Anarchy.”
Plus Adelita was finally offered the chance to break free of her arrangement working for the LNG cartel but the the cost may be too high after she receives orders to take out one last person — and that’s somebody who hits way too close to home.
With that said, let’s recap the latest episode of “Mayans M.C.” titled “My Eyes Filled and Then Closed on the Last of Childhood”…
12 Years Gone
The morning after EZ killed a member of the Sons of Anarchy with his bare hands, he awakens with bruises on his face but a new purpose in mind. His brother Angel is much more at peace as he rises from his bed to care for his son Maverick while letting Adelita continue to sleep. The Reyes brothers have been heading in opposite directions for quite some time and it doesn’t appear they’ll ever travel down the same road again.
But before they disappear from each other’s lives, EZ still knows there’s work to be done and this particular job can only be carried out with his brother’s help.
He arrives at Angel’s house, knocks on the door and comes inside without saying a word — barely acknowledging his nephew. EZ then tells Angel to get ready, they have to go somewhere together but he can’t tell him anything more.
Angel — now almost scared of his own brother — tells him that he has a day planned with his family but EZ says what has to happen takes precedence. So Angel takes Maverick to the bedroom and lays him down beside Adelita while telling her he has to go somewhere with his brother.
It doesn’t take much for Adelita to know something is off but Angel promises it’s nothing yet he still loads up his gun and tucks it in his jeans before putting on a shirt to cover the weapon. That’s all he’ll wear on this day after EZ told him to leave his Mayans kutte at home.
On the road to parts unknown, Angel attempts to make small talk but EZ isn’t interested as the tension between them just continues to swell and fester. It’s not until EZ reminds his brother about the date that they finally have something to talk about — today is the 12 year anniversary of when their mother Marisol Reyes was gunned down in cold blood.
EZ continues speaking about their mother until offering another cryptic moment that sends shivers down Angel’s spine.
“I hope she forgives me for what I’m about to do.”
~ EZ Reyes
The Reyes brothers finally arrive at a beat up old shack in the middle of nowhere and EZ tells Angel to get out of the truck after pulling a gun from the glove compartment. Angel surveys his surroundings and notices a pick axe and shovel in the back of the truck and he’s now convinced he’s in danger.
When he asks EZ why those tools are in the back of the truck, he answers that it’s to help bury a body.
Angel refuses to get out of the truck but EZ eventually convinces him before they come face to face at odds with each other. Angel wants answers and EZ barks at him “do you trust me?” and his brother answers back with an emphatic no, which is part of the fucking problem.
EZ then leads Angel up to the front of the shack before pointing the gun — it almost appears he’s aiming at the back of his brother’s head as he tells him to open the door. Now fearing that he’s hugged his son for the last time, Angel is nearly in tears when he bursts through the door but to his surprise the shack isn’t empty — instead he finds a woman, two dogs and Happy Lowman waiting inside.
The Sergeant-of-Arms of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original has been hanging out at this isolated shack trying to get clean and sober but word of his arrival leaked to the Mayans because EZ says he’s known Happy has been there for weeks.
On the 12th anniversary of Happy murdering their mother as part of a contract taken out on her life by Dita Galindo as revenge against Felipe Reyes for abandoning her in Mexico, the Reyes brothers have finally come for their revenge. Happy doesn’t seem to care much that his life is just seconds away from ending but instead he just taunts EZ and Angel for taking so long to do what needed to be done.
“I can’t believe it took you this long to grow some balls. I judged you for not doing it when you had the chance. Anyone did my mother dirty like that, I’d fucking butcher them.”
~ Happy
EZ tells Angel that this is his gift to him — killing the man that murdered their mother.
But yet again, Angel is hesitant to act and that gives Happy the opening he needs to reach for his own gun, which force EZ to fire several shots, cutting down the SAMCRO soldier. With Happy still taking his last breath, Angel finally pulls his own weapon and fires one last bullet to the head.
Happy Lowman is dead and the Reyes family finally has closure for Marisol’s death.
Outside, EZ buries Happy’s body but Angel just can’t take this much death and despair and he runs away rather than shoveling the last few piles of dirt over the man who helped to tear his family apart.
EZ wanted this as a last goodbye to his mother and perhaps this might even be a final moment shared with his brother as they remain at odds about the future of the Mayans Motorcycle Club.
He’ll Never Let Go

Emily Galindo couldn’t possibly imagine her life getting much worse these days.
After her ill-fated attempt to escape her husband, Emily’s sister was murdered, his son was kidnapped by his own father and now she’s trapped in a loveless marriage under the threat of violence while being told she can leave any time she wants — but she’ll never see their son again.
With EZ’s help, Emily had a plan to try another escape but she was interrupted by the mother of Marlon Buksar — the deceased mayoral office employee who attempted to blackmail her before accidentally shooting himself during a fight with EZ Reyes, who was ordered there by Emily in an attempt to intimidate him. Instead, Marlon ended up dead and his mother is convinced that Emily had him murdered.
She shouted those accusations rather loudly at Emily just as she was about to flee out a side door to a waiting unmarked care provided for her getaway. Instead, Emily didn’t escape and she’s now trapped back under the same roof as the husband she despises (who also tried to kill her not that long ago as well).
When Miguel’s henchman Luis comes to check on Emily, who has apparently been laying in bed and barely acknowledging the rest of the world, she can only lash out and scream when told that Miguel wants her up and around. The next thing you know, Luis has taken Emily shooting as a way of finally getting her out of the house while teaching her something practical as well.
At first, Emily can only be cruel towards Luis after mocking him for saying he’s essentially dedicated his life to the Galindo family but even she can’t help but apologize for her remarks. Emily eventually relents on her aggression towards Luis and allows him to help her learn how to shoot the gun — and in the end, his plan works out well because she finally feels a sense of exhilaration when firing the weapon.
It’s during that training session that Luis reveals that he knows Emily was trying to escape from the grocery store that day but she has to know Miguel will never let her go no matter how much she might want to leave. Shaking from the realization that she’s been caught, Emily asks Luis why he hasn’t told Miguel — and he responds that her plan didn’t work so he felt no need to report it back to his boss.
“It didn’t happen. Won’t ever happen.”
~ Luis
Later that day, Emily continues chatting up Luis while learning that he doesn’t have a wife or children or even a dog to keep him company because his duties for Miguel consume all his time. Just as Emily is starting to loosen up, she hears a frantic cry from the nanny that she’s lost track of Cristobal.
In a panic, Emily starts calling out to her son just before spotting him walking alongside the woman that screamed at her in the grocery store. She yells to Cristobal and he breaks free to run back to her before explaining that the stranger said she had a present for him.
Emily is understandably shaken that Marlon’s mother would go to these lengths but as she scans the park, the woman is nowhere to be found.
That night back at the house, Luis comes inside with a box left at the front gate that was marked for Cristobal. Once again, Emily panics before ripping open the box to find a stuffed toy inside — and then she hurries to cut it open as well to see what kind of threat is coming for her son.
The only thing inside is stuffing but Emily is convinced that Marlon’s mother is gunning for her and she might just be willing to take a son for a son in her thirst for vengeance.
A Final Job

Several other members of the Mayans are featured throughout the episode, although not much happens with them. Bishop wakes up next to Maggie and confesses that he considers himself the luckiest man in the world right now.
Later that day when he arrives at the clubhouse, which is practically empty, he finds Treenie playing guitar by herself in a bathroom. Apparently that’s the room with the best acoustics. Bishop sits and reflects while she plays guitar as it appears he’s getting closer and closer to his eventual exit from the club.
The same might soon be said for Gilly as well after we catch up with him and Rae — his former commanding officer from the military who he previously shared a relationship with before both were discharged. Gilly has been staying with Rae for months ever since her husband Paul threatened to kill himself during a daunting bout with post-traumatic stress that eventually led to him leaving home.
In his return, Paul accused Gilly of sleeping with Rae, which he refused to acknowledge, yet it appears that’s exactly what was happening.
It turns out, Jacob — the son that Rae shares with Paul — is actually Gilly’s child but he wasn’t in a place where he could be anyone’s father after leaving the military. So Gilly gave up his parental rights and said goodbye to Rae as he attempted to get his life in order, which eventually led him to the Mayans.
Now years later, Gilly has found his way back to Rae and he absolutely loves his son Jacob but he still feels like he’s betraying Paul by being with them. Despite his reservations, Rae is finally ready to settle down with Gilly as a couple and actually be a family together but only under one condition — he has to leave the Mayans.
Rae confesses that she can handle his part in the motorcycle club so long as he’s only “Uncle Gilly” but the moment he’s ready to finally be a father to Jacob is the day he needs to hang up his kutte for good. Gilly doesn’t answer but it’s clear that he wants to be with Rae and Jacob and that might mean goodbye to the Mayans forever.
As for Hank, he’s struggling to sell his mother’s home because as the realtor tells him, nobody is looking to move to Santo Padre these days. He’s also keeping a watchful eye over his mom as she continues to acclimate to her new surroundings at the elder home.
Thankfully, Hank’s day perks up when Nails comes to visit him and offers to give him an escape for a few minutes as they share a stale drink and some even staler food from the cafeteria while catching up. Hank obviously still has feelings for Nails and it appears perhaps she’s finally ready to reciprocate those emotions.
Outside of the club, Sofia is still trying to reconcile with the visit she received from her ex-boyfriend Tony, who came to her preaching forgiveness in the wake of the tragedy that claimed their daughter’s life. Sofia has continuously blamed herself after falling asleep drunk while her daughter fell into a pool and drowned.
In the end, Sofia seeks him out and explodes in anger while telling him that she doesn’t want his forgiveness much less can she forgive herself. Tony tells her that she needs to let all of this go — they were young and stupid and their daughter would never want this for them — and it sickens him to see her living in a trailer in the back of a rundown motorcycle clubhouse.
As they’re talking, Tony’s mother comes out of the house excited to see Sofia and they embrace.
Back inside, Sofia goes through photo albums with pictures of her daughter and it’s a cathartic experience as she returns to the Mayans headquarters. Sofia looks at a photo she took alongside her daughter and she places it above the visor, perhaps as a sign that she’s finally ready to move forward without forcing herself to suffer from the pain of that loss any longer.
And finally, Adelita is also struggling to deal with her own commitments, which come to to the LNG cartel rather than the Mayans motorcycle club. With Angel gone for the day, Adelita calls on Felipe Reyes to watch over Maverick as she leaves to handle cartel business for Soledad.
Adelita has been torn about this decision because Lincoln Potter effectively ordered her into service after she executed a Federal officer who was keeping her son. She struggles to carry out the tasks required of her, which eventually leads Adelita back to a meeting with Soledad who has an offer waiting for her.
Soledad reminds Adelita that she took away the only family she had left — her brother El Banquero, who she wanted dead, although apparently she’s conveniently forgotten that part — and she’s never trusted an assassin sent there under orders by Lincoln Potter. Soledad wants Adelita gone from her organization and she promises to give her the freedom she so desires after carrying out one last job.
Soledad hands over an envelope and tells Adelita that this person needs to be eliminated but this will require her to kill someone north of the border. Adelita pulls out the photo and doesn’t say anything to Soledad but it’s rather apparent that she recognized the person with a target on their head.
Back at home, Adelita is happy to reunite with Angel after both experienced a harrowing day yet never sharing with each other what actually happened. Later that night, Adelita kisses Angel on the head before rising from their bed to return to the living room where she begins cleaning and loading her gun.
As she puts the final touches on her weapon, Adelita looks over at the envelope that Soledad handed her and the photo inside is revealed to be none other than EZ Reyes and he’s marked for death.
At a nearby church, EZ lights a candle for the memory of his mother as he sits down to pray for her — and before long he looks over to find his father doing the same. They don’t speak but instead just sit in silence.
Little does EZ know that a hit has been put on his head and the woman his brother loves may be the one to pull the trigger that ends his life.
“Mayans M.C.” returns next Wednesday night at 10 p.m. ET for a new episode.