Ruby Rose has unleashed a scathing series of messages claiming she was fired from “Batwoman” after severe mistreatment and Warner Bros. has now fired back…

Ruby Rose unleashed several scathing accusations against the studio and producers behind “Batwoman” after she left the series following the first season.
While Rose’s exit was initially painted as a mutual parting of the ways, the Australian born actress revealed several issues she had leading the CW series that she claims eventually led to her being fired rather than quitting the show.
Rose started by taking aim at the way she was treated after having surgery on her back following an accident on set that happened while doing a stunt for the show.
“To everyone who said I was too stiff on ‘Batwoman,’ Imagine going back to work 10 days after [surgery]. 10 days! (or the whole crew and cast would be fired and I’d let everyone down because Peter Roth said he would recast and I just lost the studio millions by getting injured on his set),” Rose wrote on Instagram.
“That I’d be the one who cost so many people their jobs. Instead of spending half a day to rewrite me out for a few weeks to heal.”
Rose also claimed that Warner Bros. refused to adjust the schedule to allow her to attend San Diego Comic Con alongside the rest of the cast, which then led to her releasing a video to explain why she wasn’t attending despite her desire to go to the show.
“To my dear, dear fans stop asking if I will return to that awful show,” Rose wrote. “I wouldn’t return for any amount of money nor if a gun were to my head. Nor did I quit. I did not quit. They ruined Kate Kane and they destroyed Batwoman, not me. I followed orders and if i wanted to stay, I was going to have to sign my rights away. Any threats, any bullying tactics or blackmail will not make me stand down.
“A crew member got third degree burns over his whole body and we were given no therapy after witnessing his skin fall off his face but I was the only one who sent him flowers and cards and then were were told we had to do a sex scene without a minute to process. We lost two stunt doubles, I got cut in the face so close to my eye in a stunt that I could have been blind. A woman was left quadriplegic and they tried to blame it on her being on her phone. So much so CW didn’t even help her to star with because they needed to ‘investigate’ so she had to do a GoFundMe. Her accident occurred because our show refused to shut down when everyone else did because of COVID.”
Rose also took aim at “Batwoman” showrunner Caroline Dries as well as her co-stars Dougray Scott, who portrayed her father on the series as well as Camrus Johnson, who portrays Luke Fox.
“Caroline Dries has no heart and wanted us to finish the season throughout the pandemic and I told her it was a bad idea,” Rose said. “Caroline Dries maybe visited the set four times a year. Unheard of but in those four to five visits, she decided she could tell me she knew my injury happened on set so I should comply with the [private investigator] yet later denied it entirely and said it happened during yoga. I don’t do yoga.
“[Dougray Scott], talk about unprofessional. Called my agent after my exit to find a way to leave which she replied ‘break your neck I guess’ yet slammed me in the press. I never raised my voice on a set, never have. Dougray hurt a female stunt double. He yelled like a little bitch at women and was a nightmare. He left when he wanted and arrived when he wanted. He abused women and in turn as a lead of a show I sent an email out asking for a no yelling policy, they declined. Camrus [Johnson], who after I left the hospital said ‘yeah, well maybe if people were not late we would make our days.’ A kid. A egomaniac kid who worked one day a week had the audacity.”
Johnson took to Twitter to answer back to Rose’s claims while adding that she was absolutely fired from the series despite being the lead.
Since it was claimed she “walked away” last year I’m sure some of you may be pretty confused or upset, and even moreso that a lot of lies were spread today. Just know we have a lot of great souls working on this show and none of this changes that. From the top to the bottom.
— Camrus Johnson (@CamrusJ) October 21, 2021
Warner Bros. also issued a fiery response aimed at Rose after she levied all sorts of allegations at the studio following her exit from the series.
“Despite the revisionist history that Ruby Rose is now sharing online aimed at the producers, the cast and crew, the network, and the studio, the truth is that Warner Bros. Television had decided not to exercise its option to engage Ruby for season two of Batwoman based on multiple complaints about workplace behavior that were extensively reviewed and handled privately out of respect for all concerned,” Warner Bros. said in the statement.
It remains to be seen if anybody else from the cast or crew will speak out to either confirm or deny Rose’s claims about her time on “Batwoman” but the show moved forward without her after hiring Javicia Leslie to take on the lead role for season 2 and then returning in season 3, which kicked off this week.