The popular 1980’s cartoon ‘Robotech’ may soon come back to life as a major film franchise from Sony…
Sony has purchased the rights to the ‘Robotech’ series with hopes of turning it into a major live action film franchise with the writer behind ‘300’ on board to pen the script.
‘Robotech’ is an anime series first released in the United States in 1985 that sees the human race use robotic technology to battle against a wave of alien invaders.
Michael Gordon (300, GI Joe) is on board to write the script with Gianni Nunnari and Mark Canton also from ‘300’ set to produce the new movie.
“‘Robotech’ is unique in that it has always been a marriage of spectacle with human characters that seem drawn from life,” said Columbia Pictures Production Chief Michael De Luca when speaking to Variety. “That’s why we are so excited to be working with Mark and Gianni as we move forward on this project. With a history that offers an epic love triangle, a renegade hero, and a world on the brink of extinction, ‘Robotech’ offers a wide scope and a rich and impressive universe where the story possibilities are endless.”
Several different filmmakers have tried to get ‘Robotech’ off the ground previously with names such as Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio both attached to the project at different points.
Now ‘Robotech’ falls into Sony’s hands with a plan to fast track the franchise into production.