Marvel big bad Thanos will return in a new graphic novel set to be released in April that will feature the writing of ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ author Jim Starlin….
Big epic year long events are a staple of the big comic book companies these days. From Blackest Night to Avengers vs. X-Men to this year’s Infinity saga, the ‘event’ idea has been run into the ground over the last decade.
But when I was a teenager the first major event series I could remember reading was ‘The Infinity Gauntlet’ featuring the Mad Titan Thanos and his quest to rule the universe with the help of the infinity gems as he battled all of the heroes under the Marvel banner.
Now the original author of that series — Jim Starlin — is returning for a new graphic novel called ‘Thanos: The Infinity Revelation” which teams up the ultimate big bad with one of the protagonists from the original Infinity series, Adam Warlock.
“Thanos and Adam Warlock team up to deal with a universe imperiling event. Big changes are coming to everything and the Titan appears to be at the heart of this astral metamorphosis. The story concludes with a major change in Thanos’ status within the Marvel Universe, turning him into a greater threat than ever before,” says Starlin.
The book will also feature another of Thanos’ biggest adversaries — The Silver Surfer
The new Thanos graphic novel will hit book stores in April and expect the purple monster to also rear his ugly head in at least one Marvel movie coming out in 2014 as the eventually gear up towards his appearance in the third and final Avengers film.
Check out some of the artwork for the new book below: