In the Heroes Reborn recap, Noah’s trip to the past sets up things for the future but his butterfly crushing has caused a few changes….
By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
One of the biggest things Hiro Nakamura learned for all his miscellaneous time travel during the original Heroes series was to be careful about how much you changed about the past because one small thing could forever unravel what happens in the future.
His prediction came true (somewhat) this week as we finally see how Claire’s twins get separated and why, why Hiro never returned from 1999 when he took the children back with their grandmother Angela Petrelli and one person who was loyal to Noah originally that’s now working against him thanks to the changes he made.
With that said, let’s recap Heroes Reborn titled ‘June 13 — Part 2’….

So let’s start out with picking up just moments before last week’s episode ended as Future Noah trained his gun on Erica Kravid as she was leaving the hospital just hours after she set off bombs at the Evo Summit and blamed the whole thing on Mohinder Suresh.
Past Noah saw his other self with a gun aimed at Erica, but rather than let him execute her, he tackles himself and the bullet goes astray and just wings her in the leg. She looks up long enough to see two Noah Bennet’s standing there but then she’s pulled out of the way by Quentin, who is not only alive a year ago but he happened to be in Odessa on a search for his sister Phoebe. He offers to help save Erica in exchange for being reunited with his sister. Clearly this is different than the original story line so that’s one butterfly down.
Meanwhile, Future Noah and Past Noah reconvene with Molly and Casper to recap everything that’s happened including the birth of Claire’s twin children (which past Noah had no clue about at this point). Future Noah decides it’s time to find Hiro Nakamura to send him back to the future. The only problem is Hiro hasn’t come back from his trip with Angela and the twins so everyone is clueless on where he’s gone. Future Noah asks Molly to find him using her power and they jet off to track down Hiro.
Past Noah teams up with Casper to wipe his memory clean so that he can’t put Claire’s children in danger, but before they can do anything, Harris Prime shows up to stop them. Harris knocks Casper out cold and then brings in a specialist to dig into Noah’s brain to find out what he’s hiding.
Enter Matt Parkman.
Heroes’ original telepath apparently decided to sell his ability to the highest bidder and Erica was the winner. He uses his power to look inside Noah’s head and finds out that Claire is dead and she had a baby. Noah is able to shield the fact that she had twins, but out of nowhere a penny comes rolling on the floor and as soon as he touches it, his memory is actually wiped clean for real.
Casper has woken up and he cold cocks Harris before Parkman puts a gun on both of them. Realizing he’s betraying the friends he kept for all those years, Parkman lets Noah and Casper get away.
Elsewhere, Molly uses her ability to track Hiro but she can’t find him exactly — only his powers.

After leaving the hospital to go back to 1999, Hiro and Angela land in Odessa, Texas instead of the Petrelli mansion in Switzerland. It takes Angela a moment after Hiro is no longer able to blink them to a new location and she figures it out — baby Nathan’s power is like his great grandfather’s — he takes abilities from other special people and when he does it, they lose their powers forever. Baby Nathan just took Hiro’s time travel ability the same way he took Claire’s life saving ability when he was in her womb — thus why she died.
Angela decides the twins have to be separated because in her visions, they are both needed to save the world but if Nathan steals his sister’s power, she won’t have it to use years later. So Hiro promises to care for Nathan while Angela keeps Malina.
So when Future Noah and Molly show up after she tracks Hiro’s ‘ability’ they find Hiro, the nurse he met in the hospital and little Nathan all grown up — with his stepfather’s power. Hiro raised Nathan as his own and ended up in a relationship with his adopted mother. What we don’t know is who actually fathered Nathan and Malina, but maybe that will be revealed later.
Future Noah is proud to see his grandson all grown up but they have a bigger problem — a Harris clone shows up looking for them, which proves that Past Noah gave up information about Claire’s child and the plan to keep them secret from Darth Vader Erica Kravid has failed.
Future Noah kills the one Harris clone sent to the house, but they know more will be coming. Future Noah decides that he needs to take Nathan to Angela right now to find out the plan for the future.
When they arrive, Angela meets her great grandson again 15 years after she saw him as a baby, but there’s a problem — he can’t get anywhere near his sister or risk stealing her power. Angela has seen visions in her dreams where Nathan and Malina are teamed up below a clock tower in Odessa, Texas at 11:53pm with fire all around them as the world begins to come to an end. She’s sure they save the world, but the only way to do it is if they both have their powers and that can’t happen if they meet now.
Nathan returns to his home with Future Noah but the problems just continue to mount.
More Harris clones have shown up and time is running short to get Nathan to safety. He zaps Future Noah back to his own timeline while he takes himself, his mother and Casper to a new location. His pseudo father Hiro stays behind to battle the Harris clones to keep them off his son’s trail.
When Nathan pops into an alternate place, he’s determined to go back and save his father and that’s when his mother begs Casper to wipe his mind so that he doesn’t have the desire to go back again and likely get himself killed. Casper wipes him clean with the only memory he has left is his mother. Now we know why they were on the run and why he thinks his name is Tommy with no prior knowledge of the things he found out growing up.

Once again these stories are mostly time filler and a waste, but Luke and Joanna find their son Dennis after all the casualties are pulled from the wreckage of the bombing. Back at the hotel, the Evo that was playing with Dennis that Luke saved when a beam fell across his body shows up to thank him. When Joanna finds out that Luke saved this Evo instead of saving their son, she freaks out.
The Evo ends up pushing her, which causes Luke to attack but the kid freezes him and nearly kills him until Joanna grabs some scissors and stabs him to death. Joanna has crossed over to the bad place.
And Carlos finishes a military hearing where he explains how he was able to save his platoon from an attack, which results in him earning a medal of honor.
Later that day, Carlos shows up to see one of his fellow soldiers named Farah — the same Farah that was a caretaker for Malina in the future. It seems Farah was the real hero that day — she used her power of invisibility to get the drop on the enemy after they attacked. Carlos wants to help her and actually tries kissing her, but Farah is having none of that.
She leaves and eventually shows up at Angela Petrelli’s place where she finds out her new assignment. Farah needs to protect Malina on her journey to save the world but Angela has seen one more thing in her visions that her great granddaughter nor Farah are going to like when they hear it.
What’s the secret? My guess is one of the twins has to die to save the world but wait and see on that one.
In Japan, Otomo sees that Hiro Nakamura has been named one of the casualties of the Odessa bombing, but he knows that can’t be true because he put the real Hiro inside his game. When he calls Erica asking what happened, she brushes him off and then tells Otomo that he’s been locked out of doing anything further with Evernow but thanks for the help.
Otomo builds a back door into the enchanted fortress and then uses his power to pull Katana Girl out of the game so she can be Hiro’s eventual savior. He raises Katana Girl aka MIko as his daughter for the next year before a Harris clone comes calling and we assume he gets killed. Completely pointless and random story but that’s what happened.
Finally back in 2015, Noah shows up at the Renautas headquarters where he runs into Quentin, very much alive after the showdown with the Harris clones and his sister inside just minutes before he left with Hiro.
Now Noah knows everything that he couldn’t remember from the past and he shares his findings with Quentin that Claire had twins and they need to find them so they can help save the world. What Noah doesn’t know is that a year ago when Quentin saved Erica from his bullet, he ended up back with his sister and now they are both working for Renautas.
Quentin calls Erica and informs her that the entire time they’ve been searching for one baby, there are actually two.
And now both the twins are in mortal danger!
Heroes Reborn returns next Thursday night at 8pm ET on NBC!