In the latest Heroes Reborn recap, Noah finds out what Renautas is up to, Tommy tries to help his mother and Luke finds out about his powers….
By Damon Martin — Editor/Lead Writer
Four weeks down thus far into the rebooted Heroes Reborn and we’re still waiting on the bulk of the guest appearances from past seasons that have been teased but as of yet unleashed. My guess is characters like Hiro Nakamura and Mohinder Suresh won’t start popping up until the end game has already been exposed and while we didn’t get that much closer to an answer this week, there were at least a few clues.
Episode 4 titled ‘The Needs of the Many’ was another somewhat frustrating hour as the show continues to build and build further without any kind of real payoff outside of one character death that did come as a bit of a shock.
Still the threat of the world ending and a quoted seven billion people dying sounds ominous, but to this point there’s still not even a hint about how or why that’s going to happen.
The original Heroes masked that same purpose throughout much of the first season, but it’s just not working well in Heroes Reborn as the grand plan is still quite cloudy and with only nine weeks to go, something better come into focus soon or this series might all be for naught.
With that said, let’s recap Heroes Reborn ‘The Needs of the Many’….
Following a car accident a week ago that looked like somebody hunting Tommy and his mother, the reality was they were hit by a drunk driver (or at least that’s the story we’ve got so far). Tommy teleports his mother to safety, but she’s in need of a rare blood type for a transfusion and without that, she could die.
Tommy offers up his own blood to get tested even with Emily protesting because she knows if the hospital runs it through their scanners, it will come back that he’s actually and evo. Tommy doesn’t care much what happens so long as his mother survives so he gives up the blood and then finds out that it was never a match anyways.
The nurse working on his mother now knows he’s an evo but the bigger problem is the only blood bank available that has the proper blood is in Indiana. So Tommy and Emily teleport there and back in a matter of seconds and nearly share a kiss a moment later, but she pulls away.
Back inside the hospital, Tommy hands over the blood to the nurse but she warns him that he needs to go right away because his test results landed in a national database and the government will be there at any moment to find him. Tommy tries to run, but he’s immediately surrounded by a swarm of officers.
In a panic, he tries to teleport him and Emily out of harm’s way, but the lead officer warns that if he uses his powers, his mother will never get the blood she needs to survive.
Miko and Ren book a flight to the United States to try to find her sword that’s currently at the Renautas building. On the way out of Japan, Ren posts a video to his fellow gamers asking them to show up in their best Evernow cosplay at the Renautas headquarters and they will meet the real Katana Girl.
Miko is also curious about what the guard said to her last week when he teased that she was actually dead and her father had the same powers she did. While Ren is able to convince Mike that she’s alive, he does deduce that her father must have been able to jump in and out of video games just like her and that’s how he created the Evernow universe in the first place.
When the two arrive in the states, the show up to the Renautas headquarters where Mike unveils her full Katana Girl outfit and the nerd nation dressed up as Evernow characters flocks around her, full of ooh’s and ahh’s to be in the presence of video game royalty.
Carlos decides to upgrade his El Vengador costume complete with Kevlar as well as outfitting a muscle car with bulletproof glass to give his masked crime fighter a better chance at defeating evo’s out to stop him. He even designs a mechanical part of the suit that allows him to put his hand right through a punching bag.
Unfortunately, Carlos doesn’t have time for his nephew Jose to reveal that he has a power as well as he can phase his body through any solid object. Sort of like D.L. Hawkins from the old Heroes series.
Carlos tears off in his new car to give it a test drive, but while he’s away James Dearing aka the dirty cop from a week ago, shows up and kidnaps Jose and the disappearing priest.
Malina and her own personal Yoda Farrah travel down from the Arctic Circle into Canada after the girl’s powers are revealed. She’s able to give life where there was once none — including bringing a field full of frozen butterflies back to life after they’ve been dead for quite some time.
Farrah promises that Malina is needed in the battle ahead but she won’t be alone. She will have support but some of the people who will aid her don’t even know it yet. On the walk through the woods they run into a hiker who happens to see Malina make a tree rise up through the ground and grow to full size in a matter of seconds.
Just as he’s about to call for help, Farrah goes invisible, knocks him out and smashes his phone. She then tells Malina her training is over and says go time it is.

A knock on the door, a man answers and when he identifies himself to Luke and Joanne, they shoot him dead. Joanne is all too happy and Luke is all too depressed. She’s still amped up by killing evo’s while her husband, who recently discovered that he has abilities of his own, is starting to feel remorse. He feels even worse when the dog belonging to the dead guy comes tumbling down the stairs and lays his head on his poor owner’s lifeless body.
Later that day at the hotel, Luke tells Joanne he’s sick and should probably sit out the next execution. In fact, he thinks they should both sit this one out. She’s annoyed at his recent crisis of conscience and when she feels his head and he’s burning up, it’s clear Luke is sick.
She offers to go get him some medicine after she offs the next evo. While she’s away, Luke stands in daylight again as his arm and hand begin to glow bright yellow like he’s absorbing the power of the sun.
Yes, Luke is quite literally Day-Man.
When the couple leave in their SUV, Luke finally comes clean to his wife when he sets something on fire in the car. Joanne immediately puts a gun to his head, but doesn’t pull the trigger. Instead she admits that she really did love him at one time and then gets out of the car and walks away. One look on her face tells that she’s moving from sadness to anger in a hurry and it probably won’t be long before Luke is on her hit list as well.
Noah and Quentin find a way into Renautas after they convince CEO Erika Kravid’s daughter Taylor that her mother is kidnapping evo’s and using them for some nefarious means. Taylor isn’t ready to jump on board until she quizzes her mother about her boyfriend (the guy from the debut episode who helped her subdue Molly) and when she’s evasive and refuses to tell her daughter about the true intentions of her plan, she decides to help Noah and Quentin break in to save Molly.
When they break into the research and development area, Noah has to kill three of Harris Prime’s clones, who turn to dust when they are dead, before they find the main room where Molly has been hidden.
The room looks like something out of The Matrix with a group of evo’s all strapped to beds with cords running out of the back of their heads. Noah realizes after mentioning a former person he knew who could harvest powers through touching another evo’s brain (My name is Sylar!!!), that Erika and Renautas have figured out a way to do the same thing.
They are harvesting abilities for one reason or another, but they don’t have time to figure it out right now.
Molly is relieved to see Noah at first and then turns the tables by grabbing his gun away. She refuses to tell him what really happened on that fateful day on June 13 or what really went down with his daughter Claire. Molly just hints that the end of the world is coming and she can’t be a party to its destruction. So rather than escape and get captured again, Molly turns the gun on herself and pulls the trigger.
Noah and the others escape in horror after watching Molly kill herself while Harris informs Erika about the suicide that took place in the research and development area. Erika says that Molly was searching for a certain girl, but she died before they could locate her. While the EPIC software they harvested from her abilities can still be used to see other evo’s, they can no longer track exact locations with Molly dead.
So Erika sends Harris to Canada to look for the girl (we assume it’s Malina) and he’s taking ‘The Shadow’ with him. Cut away to a room where a girl is wearing a hood up over her face while conjuring some sort of black hole with her hands and for those that didn’t watch the prequel for Heroes Reborn on YouTube, this is actually Quentin’s long lost sister Phoebe, who he’s been hunting for this entire time.
Has Phoebe turned to work with Renautas or is she somehow being controlled? Oh and RIP Molly Walker 🙁
Tune into Heroes Reborn next Thursday night at 8pm ET on NBC to find out!